» What are the Duties and Responsibilities of a Delivery Driver?

What are the Duties and Responsibilities of a Delivery Driver?

Parcel courier standing next to stacked boxes on dolly

Delivery drivers do a lot of strenuous work, from navigating their routes to lifting and carrying parcels of all sizes all within a tight time frame. They also spend long hours on their feet and typically encounter a variety of slippery or uneven surfaces in order to carry out all their job duties. This stress can be exacerbated when deliveries pile up and unexpected obstacles are encountered. 

The HSE reported that 17% of all non-fatal injuries to workers in 2022/2023 were caused by handling, lifting and carrying. Slips, trips and falls on the same surface level remain the leading cause at 32%. In addition, your workers spend a significant amount of time on the road and need comfortable, supportive footwear to wear while driving or organizing the load inside their vehicles.

In this article, we will look at the six primary job duties of a delivery driver  and learn how Shoes For Crews can support your logistics and courier staff. 

1. Loading, transporting and delivering goods

A delivery driver’s main job duty is to help companies and suppliers transport items from one place to another. This involves lifting and carrying goods in an ever-changing environment. They may face the risk of obstructed visibility and sometimes have to handle very heavy loads. These circumstances can put them at risk of losing their balance if the parcel is too large and also pose a potential hazard to those around them.  

The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 state that employers must ensure that all manual lifting operations are carefully planned by a competent person, adequately supervised and carried out in a safe manner. 

2. Following routes and timetables

The second job duty of delivery drivers is to adhere to their assigned routes and timetables. They will check their schedule before and after their deliveries to ensure that nothing has been missed and to plan ahead for any diversions or roadworks. It is also crucial to obey all traffic laws and maintain a safe driving record.  

In the event of an emergency, wearing flat-soled work shoes will help drivers apply even pressure to the brakes and safely alternate their feet between the pedals. A higher heel could risk catching on the floor mat and potentially delay the driver’s reaction time. 

3. Practicing safe and timely deliveries

Designing a safe delivery process will help reduce the risk of accidents and save time and money. To do this, your drivers need to feel confident and secure both on the road and on the pavement. We recommend you go through all the necessary safety protocols with them beforehand to ensure that all orders are completed correctly. 

From gripping the pedals properly to walking on asphalt and concrete, our Shoes For Crews slip-resistant technologies are built to withstand the most demanding working environments. The safety of your drivers is paramount if they are to carry out their deliveries efficiently and attentively.

4. Cleaning and maintaining work equipment

Proper care and maintenance go a long way, from their uniforms to the lorry or van they drive. As we mentioned earlier and according to the HSE, the regulations state that all lifting equipment for delivery vehicles must be suitable for its intended use, properly maintained, marked with its safe working load and thoroughly inspected at regular intervals. If your drivers perform regular assessments and maintenance; they can prevent unexpected problems on the road and keep others safe.  

Make sure your employees regularly check the condition of their safety shoes and replace them if they are worn or frayed. 

5. Inspecting vehicles for operation

Cleaning the accelerator and brake pedals as well as the headlights and any CCTV camera lenses is standard practice. A lorry or courier van that is running smoothly will not only help your team deliver their orders quickly and efficiently, but it will also protect everyone involved from the warehouse to the customer’s front door. 

Here are some other essential items that need to be checked frequently: 

  • Tyre pressure and tread depth to prevent accidents 
  • Engine health and oil levels  
  • Coolant levels to ensure optimum engine performance 
  • Batteries in vehicles and equipment 
  • Windscreen and wiper blades 

 6. Following all safety regulations and standards

General safety guidelines such as wearing a seatbelt at all times, not using mobile phones or scanning devices while driving and obeying traffic laws are standard job duties for delivery drivers. If they work in areas with high-traffic areas, high-visibility clothing is required. Staying visible and safe helps to prevent accidents, especially in situations in low-light or low-visibility situations such as at dusk or later at night. 


Providing the transport sector with superb safety and protection are two of our pillars at Shoes For Crews. We understand that your drivers have to carry out their duties in a tough working environment and it is our mission to keep them safe. From giving them the right grip on the pedals with our patented outsoles to reducing the risk of slips, trips and falls for your delivery drivers, we are committed to supporting your teams in the logistics and courier industries. Contact one of our experts to find out more. Or browse our footwear range to take a closer look at our safety footwear features. 

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