» How Is the Cost-of-living Crisis Affecting the Hospitality Industry?

How Is the Cost-of-living Crisis Affecting the Hospitality Industry?

Slip-resistant shoes for hospitality workers

The cost-of-living crisis has had consumers feeling increased financial pressure and stress in the past few months. Now that health and safety restrictions are much more relaxed and the desire to spend time doing leisure activities is high, many people want to return to being active and socialising. However, sharp price increases and rising inflation have caused many people to postpone activities like dining out frequently and taking short city breaks that they were unable to take during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Apart from inflation, like many other countries in the world, the UK is currently heading towards a recession. Consumers are evaluating their spending habits while food, alcohol and energy prices increase. Like everyone, the hospitality sector is also feeling the squeeze.

There are many factors contributing to the effect the cost-of-living crisis is having on the hospitality industry. Read on to learn the most important challenges the sector is having in the UK and how Shoes For Crews can help your restaurant or bar succeed during this difficult time.

What challenges is the hospitality industry facing during the cost-of-living crisis?

One of the main duties as a hospitality manager, whether you work in a hotel, a restaurant or a pub or a café, is to hire and retain quality staff. You will also be in charge of building relationships with suppliers, planning purchasing orders and general supply management. 

Due to how dynamic the crisis is and how prices for goods and services may increase suddenly without warning, it is best for managers to evaluate and assess their individual situation and make the necessary decisions in regards to the staff, uniforms, wages and menu or service prices.

Let us take a deeper look into the 4 main challenges affecting the hospitality industry during the cost-of-living crisis.

Front office manager wearing slip-resistant shoes

1. Large job vacancies

A lack of EU applicants for jobs in the hospitality sector has also added to recruitment challenges and has led to an increase in vacancies in the industry. Although the Office of National Statistics reported a decrease of 19,000 vacancies in the accommodation and food service sectors between November and December 2022, many establishments have gaps on their teams. And the added pressure hospitality staff are experiencing due to the current crisis is making it more difficult for seasonal positions to be filled. These roles would normally be fulfilled by temporary work visa holders and residents who seek out seasonal work towards the end of the year. By fostering a positive work environment and offering high-quality work shoes and uniforms, you can attract and retain qualified staff to work in your restaurant, hotel or pub.

2. Rail strikes and lack of transport options

Not only could rail strikes impede customers from heading to leisure activities and hospitality venues but cancelled trains could also affect employees’ punctuality. Staff must show up on time or perhaps earlier to help clean or set up the premises before opening. Encourage employees to plan for extra travel time during the winter and organize a different route to arrive to work in case of train delays or cancellations. Some establishments are opting for reduced opening times and schedules in order to adapt to the challenges the cost-of-living crisis is presenting.

3. Overordering and food waste issues

With potentially fewer patrons dining out and going for a pint or two, restaurants, hotel bars and pubs need to be realistic when managing stock. Food prices in the UK are rising at rates that have not been seen in nearly a generation or more, food waste has sharply increased as well. In 2019, food service and hospitality companies reported 3.6 million tonnes of food is wasted each year.

Being aware of what your company already has on hand in terms of ingredients and supplies can aid in less food waste. Your staff will save time by only stacking and organising the necessary boxes and bags in their correct locations. Doing so will alleviate worries about unused supplies taking up your already limited workspace and potentially causing trip hazards.

4. Fluctuating energy and food prices 

Hospitality and accommodation venues have been feeling the effects of rising commodity and energy prices in the last year. Basic items such as tea, milk and sugar have risen significantly and are having a visible impact on whether or not patrons will eat and drink at home or go out for a nice, hot cuppa.

Companies with more cash and resources on hand will of course be able to better prepare for price changes in food, supplies or fixed costs. However, it is still advantageous to take fluctuations into consideration when forecasting or planning for the future. To draw more customers in and increase their satisfaction, try preparing seasonal dishes and adapting the menu a few times a year to help reduce refrigeration costs and the amount spent on non-seasonal ingredients.

Supportive and durable footwear for the cost-of-living crisis

One of the best ways you can set your team up for success during difficult times is by equipping them with high-quality, durable work shoes. Our footwear can last up to 9 months when properly cleaned and cared for. This can reduce the need to order new shoes more frequently. By wearing our highly slip-resistant outsoles and superbly constructed footwear, employees can put their minds at ease knowing that their overall health and well-being are being protected. Financial struggles can certainly cause extra stress and pressure to an already fast-paced industry but investing in your employees’ long-term health is truly a worthwhile endeavour

Shoes For Crews’ unique slip-resistant technology can help wearers reduce up to 80% of slips and trips, which will create a safer workplace for everyone. Would you like more information on a specific shoe style or want to know which styles would be suitable for your company? We invite you to contact us to learn more.

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